Vapor Ministries

James 4:14b states that "You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away." "Only one life t'will soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last." - John Piper. We all have a ministry during our vapor time.

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Location: United States

Married with four children, about to be five. CGS (Certificate of Graduate Studies) from Seminary, pursuing MS in History. Interests are history, theology, adoption, missions, Karate, and French language.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Home from France

Now, we are home safe and excited about what God is doing in France. The team there was great, and we are amazed at what they have accomplished. The two main events, the first church service and Bar-B-Q, were successful and will continue to enhance the relationships that the team has started. Kevin and I are thankful for the team that went with us as we were each able to contribute in unique ways.

I was unprepared for the lack of known believers in that area. One French gentleman said, “It is easier to find a Christian in Iraq than in France.” While I was there, I read a book called The Celtic Way of Evangelism, and it occurred to me that the Crossroads team is doing just that. Inviting unbelievers to share fellowship with them and see Christianity lived in relationships, service, and worship without compromising or withholding the Word of God. The seekers hear and see the Gospel and are invited to respond and join them in ministry. I was told that the French have a high outer wall and a low inner wall, meaning that it is hard to break the ice with them, but once you become their friend, you are a friend for life. What better friendship than to introduce them to the Gospel.

I appreciate all of your prayers and your continued prayers for Crossroads International Christian Church. They will continue to meet weekly in various forms and have a traditional worship service monthly. I say traditional meaning music and message, but they are doing this in unique and engaging ways. I will give you some basic information so you can continue to pray for the team in France. This is only a little bit of what they do. They are all extremely busy, diligent, hardworking, and God-exalting.

Patrick & Mary DeMuth (Sophie, Aidan, Julia)
Team Leaders
Hold Weekly Home Bible Study
Hold Weekly Writer’s Club

Todd & Kari Ubanowicz (Josh, Mack, Ransom, Landry, Oliver)
Connectors and Hospitality
Hold Weekly Home Bible Study
Entertain lots of guests

Justus & Samantha Heyman ( Isaiah, Thea, one on the way)
Youth/Children’s Ministry
Hold Weekly Youth Meeting

Also please pray for Alexandra, one of the girls in Sophie’s youth group who is being severely attacked by the enemy.

You can see a few pictures from the week on Mary DeMuth’s blog (just scroll down to April 9), and I will try to put some more up soon.


Blogger 92bDad said...

Way to go team!!!

Thanks for the having and using your Servants Heart.

11:40 PM  

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