Vapor Ministries

James 4:14b states that "You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away." "Only one life t'will soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last." - John Piper. We all have a ministry during our vapor time.

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Location: United States

Married with four children, about to be five. CGS (Certificate of Graduate Studies) from Seminary, pursuing MS in History. Interests are history, theology, adoption, missions, Karate, and French language.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

What about Rick Warren

There is so much information in the news, on blogs, on websites, etc. about Rick Warren. Some have admiration, and some call him the anti-Christ. I am particularly troubled by comments like the latter. I will admit and affirm that Rick Warren is not perfect, and oh, by the way, he has said that more than once. He recently acknowledged ill preparation and poor judgment in his trip to Syria. There are blogs such as Slice of Laodicea that have made a personal mission of pointing out every little thing they don’t like about him. I have tried to post many times on this blog, but only about 10% of mine make it. The author of this blog (as is her right) does not want to post or perhaps hear anything positive about this man. She sees the seeker sensitive / purpose driven / mega church movement as everything that is wrong with the American church.

Let me say that any church that abandons biblical preaching, worship of God alone, and the message of salvation in Christ alone is headed down the wrong road. The fact remains that every type of church in every denomination may be guilty of this. I see numerous comments in contention against Rick Warren type churches such as they don’t preach exegetically (from passages), they use electric guitars, or they use humor in church. I think most of these folks are trying to protect their tradition.

The key here is that Rick Warren or his methods never saved anybody, and he would agree with me. Conviction of sin by the Holy Spirit and hearing the true Word of God leads people to salvation in Jesus Christ. God does choose many methods and men to do that. He doesn’t have to but he chooses to in many instances. I believe that a fire and brimstone sermon from the pulpit or a street corner are methods He uses just as He uses people to woo unbelievers into their church where they reveal the Gospel in a more subtle way. Both of these methods have produced millions of converts that become mature believers loving one another.

I love the passage in Acts 17 where Paul preaches to the men in Athens. Notice he never says Jesus Christ, but the Gospel is there. What is interesting is the reaction in verses 32-34: Now when they heard of the resurrection of the dead, some began to sneer, but others said, "We shall hear you again concerning this." So Paul went out of their midst. But some men joined him and believed, among whom also were Dionysius the Areopagite and a woman named Damaris and others with them. This has been my experience when I evangelize. Some believe, some sneer, some want to hear more. My fallible methods and poor speech are barriers that God overcomes. The most important thing is that I tell them the truth. It may not be the same way you tell the truth or Paul told the truth.

My goal here is not to defend Rick Warren but rather defend the faith over tradition. Some traditions are great. I love a good potluck. I love that church starts at the same time every week. I love electric guitars. They will pass away but the Word of our God stands forever (Is.40:8b). I know many folks such as those that post on blogs like Slice of Laodicea or the Worldview Network feel as though they are contending for the faith but when they call Rick Warren a tool of the “Illuminati Satanist” and call me “deceived,” I cannot help but wonder what they are protecting. If they were protecting the word of God than you would think, they would affirm Rick Warren’s evangelism methods, even if they don’t prefer them, rather than oppose his methods. When they oppose Rick Warren’s evangelism methods, whose side does that put them on? Press On.