Vapor Ministries

James 4:14b states that "You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away." "Only one life t'will soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last." - John Piper. We all have a ministry during our vapor time.

My Photo
Location: United States

Married with four children, about to be five. CGS (Certificate of Graduate Studies) from Seminary, pursuing MS in History. Interests are history, theology, adoption, missions, Karate, and French language.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Russia 2007

Greg, Yuri, and Becky

This was one of the most incredible trips I have ever experienced. It was a joy and blessing to work with a church that is so in tune with Acts 2:42, "They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer." We spent a gread deal of time in fellowship, discipleship, evangelism, and encouragement.

One of the greatest stories I have ever seen is that of a man named Yuri who lost his flat, job, wife, and three children to alcoholism. Homeless in winter, his feet became frostbitten and had to be amputated at the heel. The Russians call him "the man with no feet." He was kicked out of the hospital and tried suicide by overdose and hanging but failed both times. One day a few months ago, Karen (kuh-REN), the pastor in Leningorsk, said that he felt “prompted” to work late. (Prompted by the Spirit I think, but lost in translation). Yuri was trying to reach the pond to drown himself when he bumped into Karen who was walking out of his business thirty minutes later than usual. That meeting changed Yuri's life. The church provided a flat and food for Yuri. A 21 yr. old church member named Andre carries Yuri down the steps to a taxi each Sunday morning for church. Our team bought him a cell phone for emergencies and some clothes to wear for church. Yuri has not made a decision for Christ but is close and writing “Christian Poetry.” He says that he now knows that there is a God and that God loves him through the compassion of this church. I have never seen a better living example of God at work through the church. Our team was moved by this act of compassion. His picture is above with two of our team members.

The Core Church Members

Soccer Evangelism. Russia won, 3-2.

Many Opportunities to Preach the Gospel

Our Team in Little Italy, Manhattan

The New Church Building

Colonel Karen's Armenian Grilled Chicken Restuarant